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Rules and Regulations

The Pitch Competition is a promotional event purposed to register members for the Two Million Dollar Funding Solutions Campaign. The Competition officially starts after all 50 slots for each month are filled (see registration form). All registering participants receive an option for funding and media services through the Two Million Dollar Funding-Solutions Campaign.

Terms & Conditions

The Pitch Competition Rules


The $10,000 Pitch Competition (Hereafter "pitch competition") is designed for small business owners who want to improve their presentation and selling skills. Participants will receive valuable media, business, insights and guidance from the B2B mentors and industry experts, ensuring they are well-prepared to deliver a compelling pitch for this event and prospective customers and investors.


Registration and Event Process

All participants qualify to receive the $1,500 to $10,000 in funding when they register.

The Competition Officially Starts after fifty contestants has registered and paid their fees.

Contestants will prepare and begin rehearsing their presentations immediately after they register.

Creative, Business and Production services are provided to all registered contestants while they wait for all fifty contestants to register so that the official start date can be announced. Contestant's Registration fees pay for the counsulting time and production of their Pitch Presentation. Contestants must join the B2B Membership, Directory and use the communication platforms to receive the production services that are provided by the Carolina Media Arts Center.



Myrtle Beach (Socastee area), SC  *  Wellspring Fellowship Center  *  5082 Lafon Lane, Myrtle Beach, SC.

Little River, SC  *  Distinguished Designs Event Center  *  11790 Hwy 90, Little River, SC.


Eligibility Criteria

The pitch competition is open to all applicants who meet the following criteria:

  1. The applicant must be 18 years of age or older.

  2. The applicant must have an operating business. Applicants in the prestart, concept or ideation stage of business will be counseled and prepared for the competition.

  3. The applicant's existing business must be based within the US.

  4. The applicant must not participate in any other CMAC's Pitch Competition.

  5. The applicant must submit their application by the given pitch competition deadline.

  6. Additionally, each participant must be a B2B or CMAC client or member to be eligible to receive an award. All applicants will be paired with a mentor to meet these criteria.


Judging Criteria

The judges will evaluate your pitch on the following criteria:

  1. Great presentation

  2. Great brand identification

  3. Great product/service

  4. Fully thought-out business plan for success

  5. A clear pathway to scalability and growth

  6. Product/service is unique and viable to the market

  7. Sustainability/environmental/ social impact, if applicable

  8. Financial results



Rating / Scoring System

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Well above standard. Outstanding execution: content and/or strategies are comprehensive, thoughtful, and very well-researched.
★ ★ ★ ★ Above standards. Well executed; content and/or strategies are developed, clear and well researched.
★ ★ ★ Meets standards. Includes essential components; content and/or strategies are evident; most components are relatively clear and researched.
★ ★ Below standards. Missing essential components; content and/or strategies are not evident; components are unclear; does not contain relevant content or research.
★ Well below standards. Major flaws or section missing.


Award Availability and Distribution

Three (3) winners will be selected from each of the competitions.

  1. 1st place receives $5,000.

  2. 2nd place receives $2,500.

  3. 3rd place receives $1,500.

Awards and prizes will be distributed as checks or electronic-submissions by the sponsor(s).


Disclaimers and Releases


Carolina Media Arts Center its members, affiliates, and participants do not guarantee protection of the confidential information and plans presented at the pitch competition. As such, any information a contestant considers confidential should not be presented at the pitch competition.


Any funding or investments from the pitch competition are not sponsored or endorsed by the Carolina Media Arts Center LLC or its affiliates. Contestants are responsible for completing their due diligence before accepting any such funding.


Contestants agree to indemnify and hold harmless The Carolina Media Arts Center LLC, its members, its affiliates and its representatives from and against any liabilities, losses, and expenses arising from their registration and participation in the pitch competition or from any funding or investments resulting from the Pitch Contest.

Photo/Video Waiver

By providing your electronic signature on the pitch application, you permit The Carolina Media Arts Center to:

  1. Release information in the pitch application and any attachments to publicly share news of your relationship with The Pitch Competition and your small business successes.

  2. Contact you for possible media/interview opportunities to promote small business successes and The Carolina Media Art's assistance to your success.

  3. Use your name, business name, images, videos, quotes, and other provided information for national or local marketing campaigns, materials, and messaging.

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