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Walmart Invitation

What Are we Asking of Walmart?

To allow the participating students to take a guided tour of Walmart to learn of Walmart’s distribution system, so that they can apply their lessons learned to their Television Pitch Project in-order-to fund their youth program.

Funding Solutions Campaign:

This project will start the process of allowing $2,000,000.00 to be revolved back into the local communities and into over 100 participating nonprofit groups.

Tour Information (5 students):

  • A two million dollar insurance policy/certificate to cover the students and store visits.

  • Only 20 minutes is needed for each tour.

  • We will work with each store's best time (the slowest day and time of the week). We can schedule as far-out as needed that will work with the supervisor or manager.

  • Student and staff waivers and parental permission forms are available.

  • Certified Horry County School District teachers and staff will be governing the five students. Students are Horry County’s brightest and well-behaved students.

Contact Information:  Wardell Brantley  /   (843) 465-7236  /

Walmart Invitation

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A group of local organizations has joined resources to start the Carolina Youth & Young Adult Career-Development Network and the Two Million Dollar “Funding-Solutions” Campaign.



We are launching the services of the network through an exciting business development project “The Pitch Television Show and competition.” 


Eleven Groups of local students will be paid to develop and pitch/present a real community-service or business. All participants will receive one thousand dollars and all the resources and opportunities needed for success.



The winning group will receive $10,000 for their excellence and creativity. All groups will graduate with revenue producing projects and the resources needed for long-term success.



All participants are paid through the revenue generated from the television show and the network. Season one will serve as a summer-job and career-starter for most students.



We are asking if you would join us in providing these Jobs, careers and small businesses for 165 students in Horry County (these numbers will increase every 26 weeks with each season of television broadcasting).



I want to personally thank You for your support and commitment to the community over the years, with moving families and residents out of poverty through your opportunities and resources.



The Business, Communications and Psychology departments and students from the following colleges will assist in the success of the program and the students along with many corporations and agencies.


  1. Students are paid to develop a business or community project while completing the program.

  2. All students will graduate in 20-weeks with an effective project and the relationships and resources to sustain their project, business, job, and or a career-path with scholarships.



  1. We want to give the participants a first-hand look at how the largest company in the world is organized and managed from the local level.

  2. We desire to use of your break-room or a meeting-room, one hour per week for five students and two counselors.

  3. One of your department-supervisors or managers will talk with the students once a week about their department and what makes their department, their products and Walmart’s management systems and supply-lines so great.

  4. We are seeking your approval of our grant application to your store (through the Walmart Community Foundation Grant).



  1. Your store is joining the local TV Stations, Colleges, Banks and Schools with establishing this project (see listing).

  2. All materials required for operations of the program and each business will be purchased from your store.

  3. You are measurably investing in the lives, careers and communities of 165 students per season (publicized nationally).

  4. Students will also serve as a pool of team members, associates and manager-trainees for your Walmart Supercenters.



Your partnership is much appreciated (see program page for details).



  • The Pitch Television Show Summary

  • Profiles on the first ten participating youth groups

Walmart Video Presentations

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Vision 2013_Walmart Invite The Pitch Competition

Vision 2013_Walmart Invite The Pitch Competition

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The Pitch Season One - Who Wins

The Pitch Season One - Who Wins

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About Vision 2013 Inc. Phase One

About Vision 2013 Inc. Phase One

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What are we requesting of each Walmart Location

We desire to give the participants a first-hand look at how the largest company in the world is organized and managed from the local level, In-hopes of the students following the principles that they learn from Walmart to start, grow and sustain their own businesses and projects.
We are asking for 30 minutes of a different supervisor’s time, once a week, for ten weeks. We would like for the Managers or Supervisors to meet and greet the student teams, view their projects, and discuss and tour a different department each week.
We are asking the Store manager to Review and Approve the submitted grant application.
And we are asking for the Store Manager or a representative to serve as a judge for The Pitch TV Show and Competition
See some of the groups invited that will receive the funding

We would love to schedule a meeting or hear your thoughts

One of our representatives will be contacting your store.

Thanks for submitting!
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